Early engagement with the Local Planning Authority can help to bottom out the key policy issues and local political drivers relevant to development proposals. In most cases it will provide a steer one way or the other of how receptive the Planning Authority will be to a particular form of development in a particular location. If the proposed development is acceptable in principle, early engagement will usually provide a steer as to the acceptability of site specifics and an indication of the level of planning obligations that may reasonably be sought. These are factors that will also be considered as part of an initial development appraisal.
Our engagement with the Planning Authority enhances the quality of advice that we can provide to our clients regarding the prospects of a successful outcome. It also informs the extent of information that will be needed to support a planning application submission.
The planning applications that we submit on behalf of our clients are comprehensive and robust in their coverage. They draw together all of the component parts of a proposal and address all relevant specialist issues. Proposals always seek to maximise development potential against the backdrop of development plan policy and identified site constraints. Where proposals contrary to adopted development plan policy are taken forward a detailed justification to support a departure from policy is at the core of a planning application submission and clearly sets out the material considerations that support this to be an acceptable way forward.
A grant of planning permission is not always forthcoming at the local level. Differences in the interpretation of policy, subjective differences of opinion to the site-specific elements of a proposal and local political drivers, can all bear down upon development proposals resulting in a refusal of planning permission for a number of reasons.
When this occurs one recourse available to the client is to appeal against the refusal of planning permission. We continue to best represent the interests of our clients through the appeal process, whether by written representation, at informal hearing or at public inquiry. We are very adept at the preparation of robust appeal evidence and appearing as expert witnesses.